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Linux Foundation Mentorship Program

Giving Back to the Open Source Community is the Motto of the Program

The Open Source developers are given a chance to learn, experience and contribute effectively to Linux Mentorship Program. The contributors can effectively learn and grab the internship or Job Opportunities at The Linux Foundation. There are various Projects hosted by the Linux Foundation for this Mentorship Program.

Projects Open to contribute

Linux Foundation

  • Linux Kernel

The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel. It was soon adopted as the kernel for the GNU operating system, which was created as a free replacement for UNIX.

  • LF Networking

LF Networking software and projects provide platforms and building blocks for Network Infrastructure and Services across Service Providers, Cloud Providers, Enterprises, Vendors, and System Integrators that enable rapid interoperability, deployment, and adoption.

  • GraphQL

GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data.

  • HyperLedger

Hyperledger is an umbrella project of open source blockchains and related tools, started by the Linux Foundation

  • CNCF

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is a Linux Foundation project that was founded to help advance container technology and align the tech industry around its evolution.

  • OpenHPC

Open Hosting Control Panel is free control panel for hosting started as a project by the Linux Foundation. It has many features like configuration in database, dovecot connected with postfix as authentication and delivery agent simplified SQL schema with foreign keys and in InnoDB (XtraDB), SSL/TLS security (but you have to provide cert/key for now), amavis with support for policies in SQL, pure-ftpd with virtual users in SQL, config and chroot env for PHP-FPM, apache config for http and https, sieve global config to put SPAM in Junk mail directory,

  • Open Mainframe Project

Open Mainframe Project is a Collaborative Project managed by the Linux Foundation to encourage the use of Linux-based operating systems and open source software on mainframe computers.

You can register as either a Mentee or as Mentor. Both of them have different roles to play and also have benifits to be a part of the program.

How to apply?

Website image

  • Prospective mentees! Get started by creating mentee profile on LFX Mentorship.
  • Prospective mentors! Get started by creating mentor profile on LFX Mentorship.
  • Check Mentorship Program Schedule and pick a term that works the best for your work/school schedules and plan for participation.
  • Complete the A Beginner’s Guide to Linux Kernel Development e-course. This is a free training course which is a prerequisite for the mentorship program. Once you complete the course, you get a certificate of completion which you can download. Keep it handy for applying for open projects.
  • Subscribe to linux-kernel-mentees list
  • Join #kernel-mentees IRC Channel on OFTC.
  • You can register your Nick in the server tab with command: identify /msg NickServ identify
  • You can configure your chat client to auto identify using NickServ(/MSG NickServ+password) option - works on hexchat
  • Join LFX Mentorship Linux Kernel collaboration forum.

Perks of being Mentees In Linux Mentorship Program.

  • Learn from experienced Linux Kernel developers/maintainers
  • Learn to collaborate, communicate, and work with the Linux Kernel community
  • Become a Linux Kernel contributor
  • Opportunity to network with other open source communities and prospective employers
  • Learn to speak and share experiences at Linux conferences (travel funding included)
  • Receive a stipend for learning
  • Opportunity to interview with employers

Perks of being Mentor In Linux Mentorship Program.

  • Opportunity to teach and share expertise
  • Get help with work in your respective Kernel areas
  • Opportunity to train and bring new talent into the project
  • Get rewarded with an invite to a Linux conference

Required Commitments

  • Mentors should expect to spend two to four hours per week during the entire duration of the Mentorship Program starting from the application process to the end of the program.
  • Mentees are supposed to Work with mentor(s)
  • Continue to send patches to linux-kernel-mentees.
  • Follow the evaluation schedule as outlined. Evaluation tasks will be assigned to you in LFX Mentorship.
  • Submit Evaluation Reports uploading your report to Evaluation Task in LFX Mentorship.
  • Please stay subscribed to linux-kernel-mentees. Don't hesitate to contact with any questions.

Program Schedule

The LF Mentorship Program is hosted in three sections every year normally.

  • Spring Term (March-May)
  • Summer Term (June-August)
  • Fall Term (September-November)