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Why do we need software licensing?

  • Software licensing helps in protecting the end users as well as sofware companies. The software license agreement contains terms and rules and restrictions on using the softwares which must be followed by the end users as well comapnies. FOR EXAMPLE
  1. How long can Sofware be used.
  2. what type of uses are granted.
  3. Permissions and restrictions on selling and tranferring.
  • Software licensing helps in protecting theft and vital revenue streams. It will provide huge amount of additional data provide software tools to your customers that help them to drive their own business forward and also helps your business to evolve.
  • Software licensing helps in cutting expenditure. Many companies pay for unnecessary licenses or because the scope of content in their licenses far exceeds their company’s needs. Lack of licensing also leads to significant losses in the company sales. Now a days software assets management has become professionalized that awareness of software has become anchor. Better software soltutions and licensing models plays a vital role in software products.
  • It will also saves us from cyber security threats and increase performance issue which decreases when the software is copied , theft and and being sells in Knock-off version.

license compliance

Reasons to use software licensing

  • Using Unlicensed Software Is Against the Law because it considered as the software piracy.
  • Licensed Software Offers Better Protection from Cybersecurity Threats
  • The Right Software License Can Save You Money
  • It will make your work legal and more risk free.
  • Optimize IT Spending and Find Savings.

Some good opensource licenses with usage

MIT Lisence32%(lowrisk)
Apache License 2.014%(lowrisk)
BSD License6%(lowrisk)
GNU GPL18%(highrisk)

List of some good opensource License and its usage
