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Vue.js is an open-source model–view–viewmodel front end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.


Before getting started with Vue, one must have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  • Virtual DOM: VueJS makes the use of virtual DOM, which is also used by other frameworks such as React, Ember, etc. The changes are not made to the DOM, instead a replica of the DOM is created which is present in the form of JavaScript data structures. The final changes are then updated to the real DOM, which the user will see changing. This is good in terms of optimization, it is less expensive and the changes can be made at a faster rate.
  • Data Binding: This feature helps manipulate or assign values to HTML attributes, change the style, assign classes with the help of binding directive called v-bind available with VueJS.
  • Components: Components are one of the important features of VueJS that helps create custom elements, which can be reused in HTML.
  • Event Handling: v-on is the attribute added to the DOM elements to listen to the events in VueJS.
  • Animation/Transition: VueJS provides various ways to apply transition to HTML elements when they are added/updated or removed from the DOM.
  • Computed Properties: This is one of the important features of VueJS. It helps to listen to the changes made to the UI elements and performs the necessary calculations. There is no need of additional coding for this.
  • Templates: VueJS provides HTML-based templates that bind the DOM with the Vue instance data. Vue compiles the templates into virtual DOM Render functions.
  • Directives: VueJS has built-in directives such as v-if, v-else, v-show, v-on, v-bind, and v-model, which are used to perform various actions on the frontend.
  • Watchers: Watchers are applied to data that changes. For example, form input elements. Here, we don’t have to add any additional events. Watcher takes care of handling any data changes making the code simple and fast.
  • Routing: Navigation between pages is performed with the help of vue-router.
  • Lightweight: VueJS script is very lightweight and the performance is also very fast.
  • Vue-CLI: VueJS can be installed at the command line using the vue-cli command line interface. It helps to build and compile the project easily using vue-cli.

Advantages of Vue.js

  • Simplicity: The basic idea behind the development of Vue.js is to achieve good results with as little effort as possible
  • Developers can integrate Vue.js into other frameworks such as React enabling them to customize the project according to their respective requirements.
  • Vue.js does not require a steep learning curve, which is beneficial for new programmers. It can also be used with common editors.
  • Great tool for developers because all of its functions are readily accessible.