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Flask is a web framework. Flask allows you to build a web application by providing tools, libraries, and technologies. This web application will be a web page, a wiki, or a big web-based calendar application or commercial website. Flask is classified into a micro-framework that means it has little to no dependencies on external libraries. There are some pros and cons. Pros mean there are little dependencies to upgrade and to watch security bugs and cons means by adding the plugin you will increase the dependencies. Flask has two dependencies, they are-

Werkzeug a WSGI utility library

Jinja2 is a template engine


The benefit of the flask

There are impressive features to use the flask in your web application framework. Like-

  • Integrated support for unit testing

  • Built-in development server and fast debugger

  • Restful request dispatching

  • Unicode base

  • Support for cookies

  • Templating jinja2

  • WSGI 1.0 compliant

  • Plus flask gives you some premier control to develop your project.

  • HTTP request handling function

  • Flask has a modular design and lightweight so that it can easy to transit into web framework with some extension

  • You can plug your favorite ORM

  • Basic fundamental API is nicely shaped and coherent

  • Highly flexible

  • It is easy to deploy the flask in production

What is Flask Over Django?

Django is a full-stack web framework, while Flask is a micro lightweight f/w. But in recent times, Flask seems to have outdone Django, with more and more developers focusing on microservices and micro-frontends to reduce the loading time of a webpage. All of the user capability is available on a compact yet powerful f/w in Flask as compare to a host of additional resources in Django. Ease of development and faster deployment times in Flask.