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Julia Language


Julia is a high-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language.

While it is a general-purpose language and can be used to write any application, many of its features are well suited for numerical analysis and computational science.

Julia the language is definitely a great general purpose programming language, it is positioned right in the middle between dynamic languages like Python but with the ability to write high performance "low level" code without leaving the language or giving up it's high level constructs, plus lisp-like metaprogramming.



Julia VS Python

Performance-wise, Julia vs Python takes a twist. ... Therefore, Julia code is also universally executable with languages like Python, C, R, etc. It provides impressive, efficient, and rapid results with no need for many optimizations and native profiling techniques. Some optimization in Julia can not be used in Python.

Julia VS Rust

Basically, use Julia where you might use Python or MATLAB. Use Rust if you want to program for systems, games, web servers, basically anywhere performance and memory usage need to be consistently good. You can also use Rust to build applications that have high security and memory safety requirements.

Further Description

Julia could probably be made significantly faster using @simd for . While not as short as the current implementation, it'd be pretty much the same amount of code as C++.

The Julia language is considered quite a difficult language to learn because the syntax is not as simple as that of other languages. Also, there are fewer study materials than you may find for a language like Python or C, which have both been around for years longer than JUlia.

Data Visualization and Plotting

Data visualization has a complicated history. Plotting software makes trade-offs between features and simplicity, speed and beauty, and a static and dynamic interface. Some packages make a display and never change it, while others make updates in real-time.

Plots.jl is a visualization interface and toolset. It provides a common API across various backends, like GR.jl, PyPlot.jl, and PlotlyJS.jl. Makie.jl is a sophisticated package for complex graphics and animations. Users who are used to "grammar of graphics" plotting APIs should take a look at Gadfly.jl. VegaLite.jl provides the Vega-Lite grammar of interactive graphics interface as a Julia package. For those who do not wish to leave the comfort of the terminal, there is also UnicodePlots.jl
